
July 30, 2024

Naturally Thin for Life with Laura Dixon | Decide Your Goal Weight

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Imagine: you’ve lost the weight you’ve always wanted to lose. How do you feel in your body? Light, lean, and energized? Can you picture the tone in your muscles and the flatness of your stomach, if that’s your goal? This powerful visualization can guide your daily choices and bring you closer to that desired feeling, and will also help you determine your realistic goal weight.

Let’s also take a minute to think about what you don’t want to feel. Consider the sensations you want to avoid, like constriction or bloating. Remember, your goal weight isn’t just a number on the scale; it’s about finding a sense of peace within your body. Give yourself some quiet moments to let the right number come to you naturally.

Tune in this week to discover how to set your goal weight based on how you want to feel, not just a number. We’ll chat about ways to align your food choices with these goals, creating a positive feedback loop that boosts your overall well-being. By the end of this episode, you’ll have a better grasp on how to connect with your body’s needs, make mindful decisions, and maintain a healthy, sustainable weight.

If you are ready to lose weight without deprivation, restriction, or willpower, join the only program designed for successful, driven women to end obsessive dieting and gain the freedom of being Naturally Thin for Life. You’ll learn to implement the tools and concepts I teach to only eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full, and become Naturally Thin For Life. Click here to join the program today.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How to vividly imagine how you want to feel in your body.
  • The importance of recognizing what feelings you want to avoid, like bloating or constriction.
  • Why your goal weight is more about feeling peace in your body than just a number on the scale.
  • How to let the right number come to you naturally through moments of silence and reflection.
  • Strategies to align your food choices with your goals, creating a cycle that enhances overall well-being.

Listen to the Full Episode:

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