
September 29, 2020

connection without food

Food is at the center of modern-day human connection.

Just look around.

You go to a movie at the theater and you spend more time planning what you will eat, not eat or bring with you than the movie itself.

When you plan a date night with your husband you spend an hour looking up restaurants and their menus before going to make sure you can get something you want.

Weddings, baby showers, retirement parties. The only reason you go is because they have food.

Holiday party…need I say anymore?

Now, the problem isn’t the presence of food.

The problem is, you connect to other people THROUGH the food. Because of it.

You think more about the appetizers or desserts that will be at the party than the people there.

You feel a tightening in your chest and a pit in your stomach when you imagine going to a holiday party on a diet because you will feel restricted.

Because it is ALL about the food.

And of course it is. You have been taught by society and your upbringing to comfort yourself, distract yourself and deal with stress and anxiety by using food.

Then you add in restriction and deprivation from years of dieting and obsessing about food…no wonder this is your world.

But it doesn’t have to be.

On this week’s podcast I walk you through exactly why this is happening and how to break free so that you can create connection without food AND not feel deprived.


Click here to listen now.

If you are ready to become Naturally Thin for life and be the woman who can go to a restaurant and spend more time thinking about her husband than the food in front of her, I will show you how. Click here to learn more about scheduling a live call with me.
