
Naturally Thin for Life

Reach your ideal body weight AND stay there, effortlessly.

No battle required. No counting, restricting or obsessing.

That is being Naturally Thin.

You don't want to be counting calories, carbs or points for the rest of your life. 

You don't want to be using pressure to force yourself to exercise and "work off" this weekend's derailment.

But that Type A, obsessive mind can't seem to lose weight without overthinking and overanalyzing every decision and beating yourself up along the way.

Here is the best news:

Your body and brain WANT to stop obsessing and create permanent weight loss with ease.

Your body wants to feel comfortable, light and airy with all the energy you desire. Once you understand how to get your brain on board with that desire from your body, permanent weight loss becomes effortless.

And it is much simpler than you have been taught with years of dieting, researching and obsessing. 

Click below to watch the video to learn how to get your brain and body on the same page

After years of dieting myself, then becoming Naturally Thin and now helping hundreds of women become Naturally Thin for life, I have created a 5 step process to teach you how to become Naturally Thin.

Watch the Video Below to Learn the 5 Steps to Become Naturally Thin for Life

The Naturally Thin for Life Program is you if:

  • You are ready to let go of the obsession and feel a calm control around food.
  • You are ready to trust your body's hunger, comfort and satiated cues so that you don't even want to over-eat.
  • You want to match your desire for food with your ideal body weight so that it becomes effortless.
  • You want to learn how to lose weight in the same way you keep it off.
  • You want to feel comfortable in your body and stop using food as a distraction.
  • You are ready to do the work to create a permanent change without needing more willpower.
  • You are ready for the mental freedom so that you can spend your time thinking about your career, your kids, your partner, relaxing, starting your business, writing that book or the next vacation rather than food and dieting.

Inside the Naturally Thin for Life Program, you get immediate, on-demand, lifetime access to all of the following:

  • The proven 5 Step Naturally Thin for Life process with simple and doable tools to help you start losing weight Day 1 (watch video above for details on the 5 steps).
  • Live weekly support 2x/week
  • Live call replays posted within 24 hours
  • Bonus Debunking Myths course. You learn the 10 weight loss myths and how to overcome each one so that you accelerate your weight loss.
  • Automatic access to any new content

And...you either lose the weight for good or I give you your money back.

No more endless programs that don't work. 

The Investment to Join:

Either one payment of $1,000 OR four payments of $300.

lose the weight for good

100% Money Back Guarantee

After learning and implementing what I teach in this course, if you aren’t completely satisfied, I will refund you the purchase price of the program.

The 5 Steps to Become Naturally Thin for Life

  1. 1
    Learn to use your body's hunger and satiated cues as tools to listen to your body.
  2. 2
    Choose food that serves your specific body so that you easily eat when you are hungry and stop when you are satisfied.
  3. 3
    Allow uncomfortable emotions, including the urge to eat when you aren't hungry, pass through your body so you aren't battling yourself.
  4. 4
    Evaluate objectively so that the scale doesn't make or break your day and you always know why you are losing weight, why you aren't and exactly what to do about it without deprivation and restriction.
  5. 5
    Re-wire your brain by becoming aware of the thoughts that don't serve you in your weight loss journey and deliberately choosing new thoughts that do serve you while following a step by step process to get your brain on board easily.

Steps 1 and 2 are learning to listen to your specific body and steps 3-5 make intuitive eating effortless.

Erin lost 20 pounds in 9 weeks

It is refreshing to finally work with someone who has been were I was at and can show me the way out. The possibilities have been opened up to me! After learning to listen to my body better, I was surprised to learn that I was not hungry nearly as often as I thought I would be. Also, once I lost my fear of hunger, I found it very easy to wait to eat until my body was actually hungry! One of the most impactful things that Laura has worked with me on, is teaching me to love myself before losing weight. She has taught me that I can feel amazing before all of the weight comes off! Past diet experiences showed me that I still did not feel good about myself when I lost weight, but I still bought into the diet industry lie that weight lost was the key to feeling worthy to love myself. I learned, from Laura, that the more I love myself and feel amazing, the more motivated I am to listen to my body and eat healthier. She is worth every penny! It is like meeting with a therapist who not only has been where you are/were at, but she knows the way out! I have never worked with anyone before who could actually help me find solutions, rather than just keep discussing my struggles.

Erin  // Artist & Mother of 4

Lamma feels peaceful

Feeling my emotions and making peace with each emotion was easier than I thought. The most impactful result I have had is the fact that I eat less. Connecting to my hunger, feeling my physical sensations, not fearing hunger, not fearing no access to food immediately, not experiencing “hangry" as much as I used to has been life changing. Don’t hesitate to work with Laura, she will help you. I didn’t realize how my thoughts were affecting my feelings thus my actions and habits and behaviors. Literally I was stuffing down my emotions with food rather than dealing with them. Laura pointed out to me that actually the food doesn’t bring me comfort, it only creates more discomfort and taught me how to give myself the comfort I needed without overeating. I don’t see myself as a fat person anymore, I see a thinner person in the mirror so and I don’t have the anxiety or urgency to lose the rest of the weight like I would have in the past because I know it doesn’t serve me.

Lamma // Business Owner

Verle lost 18 pounds in 6 weeks

I lost 18 pounds in 6 weeks and I'm not burnt out at all.

Working with Laura has been life altering, challenging and fun. I have been surprised at how different it is from everything else I had done. I learned that one my biggest challenges has been this unneeded pressure I put on myself. Losing the weight. I finally have peace. Peace with myself, food and the understanding that I can apply this to every aspect of my life. Stop thinking about the decision to work with her. Just do it. This is going to be so much easier than you think.

Verle // MD

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to lose the weight?

Of course it depends on the person but that answer doesn't help much. It is common to lose 12 pounds in 6 weeks and 40-50 pounds in 5-6 months. The two traits the most successful women have in the Naturally Thin for Life program are (1) a willingness to go all in and (2) a strong desire to change at the source...their brain.


What do I have to give up?

I will never tell you to give something up. All that does is create you wanting it even more. That is the opposite of reducing your over-desire for food. What will happen is you will find there are foods you don't even want to eat anymore. Never because you "can't" but simply because you don't even want to. When you love feeling comfortable in your body and you lose the desire to overeat you will naturally make different food choices. Rather than "I can't eat sugar ever again" you will see that you can eat sugar sometimes but that you don't want to eat it as much because it just doesn't feel good.


What if I have a medical condition?

We do not diagnosis any medial conditions inside of the Naturally Thin for Life Program. However, many women I have worked with have hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. That is one of the most common medical conditions of women inside the program. Also many women have gone through the program pregnant and/or breastfeeding (maybe not really medical conditions...but you get the idea). Regardless of any medical condition you have, you will learn how to eat in a way that supports that medical condition because you stop wanting to overeat. Overeating only makes your diagnosis feel worse because you feel even more uncomfortable. You already know intellectually you want to eat differently to feel even better with the medical condition you have, but the follow through is where you struggle. You will learn how to end the battle and actually want to eat the foods that feel good in your body so you can feel your best with the diagnosis you have.

How long does it take to get through the program?

You start losing weight day one. As you work through all of the 5 steps you keep losing weight and, typically, it takes about 30 days to get through all of the videos that teach you that 5 step process. Some people binge watch and get through them in a week or two, but 30 days is common. Also, around 30 days is when women tell me, "I can't believe I made this so difficult on myself in the past. I know this is the last time I will ever lose the weight"...and they truly believe it. Then, consistently, around 90-120 days is when women tell me "ahhh it really feels like this is a part of me now to the point I don't really even need to think about it." So even if you keep losing weight past the 90-120 day mark it becomes more and more habitual. 


When you join Naturally Thin for Life, you either lose the weight for good or I give you your money back.

Your Investment:

Either one payment of $1,000 OR four payments of $300.

lose the weight for good

100% Money Back Guarantee

After learning and implementing what I teach in this course, if you aren’t completely satisfied, we will refund you the purchase price of the program.

Still Have A Question?

Email laura@naturallythinforlife.com and I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Or, if you still have questions after watching the videos above, apply for a consultation with me below.
