
Naturally Thin for Life

I am Laura Dixon and I am the Naturally Thin coach.

I was a Director at a Fortune 500 Technology Company as a CPA by the time I was 30 but I couldn't understand how I could be so successful yet struggle with food.

I knew how I wanted to eat but I never could follow through and all I wanted was to feel in control.

I searched for years trying to find the right habit.

Reading book after book and listening to all the "experts."

I tried everything...fasting, eating one meal a day, meticulous counting, juice cleanses, training for a marathon (and I hate running).

Nothing ever worked long-term.

Until I took the energy I spent trying to find that perfect habit and developed a Naturally Thin woman's relationship with food.

I lost 50 pounds and kept if off after kids and I spend no time worrying about it coming back.

I can teach you how to do the same thing.

No counting, obsessing, restriction....

Instead you will reach your goal weight and stay there while feeling free, calm and peaceful.

I am a certified life coach, weight loss coach and health coach and I have helped numerous women and will help you too become Naturally Thin for Life. 

Click the button below to learn more.
